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Do the Dewey: A Highlight Of the 200s

National Religious Freedom Day is January 16th. This is a great time to delve into the 200s of our nonfiction section. Our collection features a wide variety of books from biblical scholarship to information about world religions. Looking for more? This general guide will get your started: 200 Specific aspects of religion 210 Philosophy and theory of religion 220 Bible 230 Christianity 240 Christian moral and devotional theology 250 Local Christian church and Christian religious orders 260 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology 270 History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity 280 Denominations and sects of Christian church 290 Other religions

Mid-Continent Public Library

25 items

  • The Bible

    A Global History

    Gordon, Bruce
    In a starred review, Publisher's Weekly wrote, "Smoothly capturing a sprawling and complex history, Gordon frames the Bible as a cultural artifact and a dynamic site where identity is negotiated; a force that binds communities; and an…
    BookPerseus Books Group 2024 — 270.0000
  • Next Sunday

    An Honest Dialogue About the Future of the Church

    Beach, Nancy
    A boomer and a millennial have a candid conversation about where the church currently stands and where it could go in the future.
    BookDowners Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, [2022] — 270.83 B353
  • The Library Journal wrote, "The Dalai Lama's gentle and sensible messages of focus, peace, and mindfulness may not be heeded in a divided world but will be very welcome to seekers of all faiths."
    BookBoston, Mass. : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011. — 170.44 B849
  • A Church Called Tov

    Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing

    McKnight, Scot
    A thoughtful missive by two Christians who had to reckon with sexual misconduct charges against their pastor. Now, they are working to help churches deal with imbalances of power
    BookCarol Stream, Illinois : Tyndale House Publishers, 2020. — 262 M218C
  • Joyful Outsiders

    Six Ways to Live Like Jesus in a Disorienting Culture

    Miller, Patrick Keith, 1987-
    How can we keep our faith and live like Jesus in our current culture. Miller and Simon address complicated questions and how to answer them through the Bible.
    BookGrand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan Books, [2025] — 220.6 M617
  • When Islam Is Not a Religion

    Inside America's Fight for Religious Freedom

    Uddin, Asma T.,
    An accessible and persuasive argument on the politicization of the Islamic faith. Uddin is an attorney who fights for religious liberties in America.
    BookNew York : Pegasus Books, 2019. — 297 UD2
  • Love, Auntie

    Parables and Prayers for Sacred Belonging

    Hinton Hill, Shantell,
    Minister Hinton Hill has created an issue-oriented and feel-good look at Christian thought rooted in the experiences of Black women. This series of letters address multiple identities in the modern church.
    BookHarrisonburg, Virginia : Herald Press, [2024] — 248.4 H597
  • Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day!

    Daily Meditations for the Ups, Downs, and In-betweens

    Bowler, Kate,
    No life is perfect. In fact, lives are messy. New York Times Bestseller Bowler offers devotionals to get us through the best and worst of days.
    BookNew York, NY : Convergent, [2024] — 248.4 B681
  • Communities of Meaning

    Conversations on Modern Jewish Life Inspired by Rabbi Larry Hoffman

    Grushcow, Lisa, 1974-
    "This collection invites readers into the ageless conversation that is Judaism and challenges everyone to think creatively about the ideas and institutions that are shaping Jewish life in the twenty-first century." - From the Publisher
    BookMillburn, New Jersey : Behrman House, Inc., 2024. — 296.7 G927
  • Unbelievers

    An Emotional History of Doubt

    Ryrie, Alec
    A comprehensive history of the anger and anxiety that has led to a loss of faith in Western cultures. Ryrie is able to offer an insightful perspective on this history.
    BookCambridge, Mass. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, [2019] — 211.7 R993
  • I Spoke to You With Silence

    Essays From Queer Mormons of Marginalized Genders

    A group of Mormons write anonymously about their place in the Church. These essays come from current and ex members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is put together by the editors of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon…
    BookSalt Lake City : The University of Utah Press, [2022] — 289.332 I17
  • The Spirit of Justice

    True Stories of Faith, Race, and Resistance

    Tisby, Jemar,
    A sweeping history of how people of faith have resisted racism. The well-researched tome from the New York Times bestseller gives us hope for the future.
    BookGrand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, [2024] — 261.8 T52
  • Building a Bridge

    How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter Into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity

    Martin, James, 1960-
    A Jesuit priest looks at how the Catholic Church can bring LGBT church members into the fold with respect and sensitivity. This is an accessible read from Martin, a consultant to the Secretariat for Communications at the Vatican.
    BookNew York, NY : HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2017] — 282.086 M364
  • Undivided

    the Quest for Racial Solidarity in An American Church

    Han, Hahrie,
    An incisive title about evangelicals in Cincinnati trying to bridge racialsdivides in the nation. Pairs well with Miguel A. De La Torre's Decolonizing Christiantity.
    BookNew York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2024. — 270.089 H19
  • Sage Warrior

    Wake to Oneness, Practice Pleasure, Choose Courage, Become Victory

    Kaur, Valarie,
    "Kaur chronicles over 200 years of epic history from the Punjab region, with each chapter focusing on a single Sikh guru, woman ancestor, and corresponding spiritual lesson, beginning with Guru Nanak, Bibi Nanki, and waking to oneness."…
    BookNew York : One World, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, [2024] — 294.64 K166
  • Lower

    Igniting Spiritual Awakening Through Radical Humility

    Meerkreebs, Zach,
    Zach Meerkreebs prayed, "Jesus, do a new thing in our midst. Revive us by your love." This message lead to over 65,000 people coming together and praying for sixteen days in nights in what is called the Asbury Outpouring.
    BookNew York : Faith Words, 2025. — 269.2409
  • Walking Through Deconstruction

    How to Be a Companion in a Crisis of Faith

    Harber, Ian, 1993-
    "Harber lays out a vision for the kind of faith environment that can foster genuine reconstruction through healthy relationships, robust doctrine, healthy institutions, a better theology of suffering, and the peace of God." -From the…
    BookDowners Grove, IL : IVP, [2025] — 231.0420
  • Chasing Sacred

    Learn How to Study Scripture to Pursue God and Find Hope in Him

    Van Dyke, Mikella,
    What does it mean to study the Bible? Van Dyke offers a practical guide to working your way through your own personal journey.
    BookCarol Stream, Illinois : Tyndale Momentum, [2024] — 220 V288
  • Dwelling in the Wilderness

    Modern Monks in the American West

    Brown, Jason M.,
    Four monasteries and the Roman Catholic monks that reside there are the focus of this book by lecturer Jason M. Brown.
    BookSan Antonio : Trinity University Press, [2024] — 255 B813
  • How to Let Things Go

    99 Tips From a Zen Buddhist Monk to Relinquish Control and Free Yourself Up for What Matters

    Masuno, Shunmyō,
    A Buddhist monk helps step away from the ills of a constant news cycle, social media, and constant connection.
    BookNew York : Penguin Life, [2024] — 294.3444 M397H